
Invest In Excellence


IPT is committed to provide the highest level of state and local tax education to its membership through discipline-specific schools, symposiums, webinars, and annual conferences. Sponsorships help to provide the financial resources necessary to maintain this level of educational excellence.

As an IPT Sponsor, your company/firm will be recognized as an industry leader in the field of state and local taxation, while demonstrating your support and level of commitment to IPT’s goals and educational objectives.

2024 Program Sponsorships

Program Sponsorships offer three levels of giving with associated benefits for a full calendar year.

2024 Gold and Silver Sponsors  



Silver Sponsor

*applies to selected discipline-specific programs and the Annual Conference*

Buy Now

  • On IPT website's Silver Sponsor page for a full year from the date the application and payment are received (sponsor’s logo can be linked to sponsor’s website)
  • On the Program Sponsors slide(s) before and during the Opening Session of the selected discipline-specific Schools, Symposium, and the Annual Conference
  • In the promotional brochure for the program on IPT’s website, if application and payment are received at least 60 days prior to the sponsored program
  • In the Silver Sponsor listing of the final program brochure for each of the sponsored programs 
  • In the listing of Silver Sponsors on the IPT Mobile App for each of the sponsored programs
  • On the Program Sponsor sign or banner indicating the sponsor’s name and logo at the discipline-specific program and the Annual Conference
  • In the Program Sponsor section of the year-end IPT Insider


Gold Sponsor

*applies to all IPT programs*

Buy Now

  • On the homepage and Gold Sponsor page of IPT’s website for a full year from the date the application and payment are received (sponsor’s logo can be linked to sponsor’s website)
  • On the Program Sponsor slides before and during the Opening Session of all IPT Schools, Symposiums, and the Annual Conference
  • In the promotional brochure on IPT’s website, if payment is received at least 60 days prior to the applicable program 
  • In the Gold Sponsors listing in the final program brochure 
  • In the Gold Sponsors listing on the IPT Mobile App 
  • On the Gold Sponsor banners indicating the sponsor’s name and logo 
  • In the Program Sponsor section of the year-end IPT Insider


Bronze Sponsor

*applies to Schools only*

Buy Now

  • On the IPT website for a full year from the date the application and payment are received
  • On the Program Sponsorship slide(s) during the Opening Session of the selected School(s)
  • In the promotional brochure for the program on IPT’s website if application and payment are received at least 60 days prior to the sponsored School(s)
  • In the Program Sponsorship listing of the final program brochure for the selected School(s)
  • In the listing of Bronze Sponsors on the IPT Mobile App for the sponsored program
  • As a Bronze Sponsor in the Program Sponsorship section of the year-end IPT Insider

2024 Event Sponsorship Opportunities

IPT’s Event Sponsorships provide companies/firms with the opportunity to increase their visibility and networking by sponsoring an individual event at one or more IPT Symposiums and the Annual Conference. Such events include, but are not limited to, those listed below.

Company logos indicate the sponsorship opportunity has been filled. Events listed with pricing are still available.

Event Annual Conference Sales Tax Symposium VAT Symposium Credits & Incentives Symposium Property Tax Symposium State Income Tax Symposium

Wednesday: $2000 Sunday: $3000

Sunday: $2000

Tuesday: $2000

Monday: $3000

Thursday: $1500

Tuesday: $2000
Wed Breakfast + Break: $2000

Monday: $2000
Tuesday: $2000
Wed Breakfast + Break: $2000

Monday: $5000
Wed: $2000
Thurs: $2000

Tuesday: $3000

Monday: $3000
Tuesday: $3000
Daily Breaks

2-day Bundle
(Wed + Thurs): $2000

Monday: $2000
Tuesday: $2000
Internet Service $2000
Mobile App $2000 $3500 $3000
Keynote Speaker   Primary: $5000
Secondary: $3000

Primary: $4000
Secondary: $2000

Conference Photographer

Networking Activities  

2024 Exhibitors

Annual Conference  C&I Symposium   

To participate as an Event Sponsor

Please contact us for the most current list of available events, along with the relevant costs and benefits of each.

NOTE: There will be additional Networking Activities available for sponsorship depending upon the hotel venue and will be determined by the program's Networking Committee. Activities, benefits, and associated pricing will vary by program.

Contact Us

Show your Support of IPT’s Educational Programs and Become a Sponsor Today!